

Cuyahoga Valley Career Center is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education, 7840 Roswell Road, Building 300, Suite 325, Atlannta, GA 3035, Telephone: 770-396-3898, FAX: 770-396-3790,


If CVCC needs to postpone, cancel, or combine classes for any reason, we will notify you. CVCC cannot assume responsibility for any conflict in business or personal affairs that affect your ability to attend class. Refunds will be processed as stated in our Refund Policy.

Concealed Carry:

Unless otherwise authorized by law, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code SECTION 2923.122, no person shall knowingly possess, have under the person’s control, convey, or attempt to convey a deadly weapon or dangerous ordinance into a school safety zone.

Consumer Information:

Click the following links for information on: refund policiesgraduation rates and the median debt of students who completed the programs. Also visit Student Resources and the Nursing pages for valuable information.

Course Admission:

Registration is open to anyone 16 years of age or older. Age requirements may vary depending upon program offerings. High school students who are enrolled in a regular high school program must have written permission from their parents and the school principal or counselor to register for a course. High school students enrolled in programs with credentials earned upon completion may be subject to additional regulations depending upon program. Documentation will be required for programs that indicate a high school diploma or GED  as a prerequisite. Contact Adult Education Office at 440-746-8230 with program-specific questions.

District Senior Citizens:

60 or over.

Drug and Alcohol Use and Prevention:

CVCC adheres to Federal regulations regarding drug use and prevention. Possession, use of and distribution of illicit drugs, and unlawful possession and use of alcohol are strictly prohibited. Anyone who violates this regulation will be subject to disciplinary action.

Financial Aid:

Practical Nursing, Machining Technology, Cosmetology, and Esthetics are eligible for Federal Financial Aid. Students need to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at, using CVCC’s school code 016576 on the application. Three days after submitting your FAFSA, contact Claudette Knestrick at 440-746-8337. Email Ms. Knestrick and set up a Financial Aid appointment to discuss eligibility. CVCC offers the following Federal Title IV funding:


For further information, visit Students withdrawing who receive Federal Financial Aid may not be eligible for all funding that was scheduled. Calculations will be made using the Return of Title IV Funds policy, which is mandated by the U.S. Department of Education. Students may end up owing money out of pocket to Cuyahoga Valley Career Center. The Financial Aid office will process Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding and scholarships. Adult Students at CVCC are covered under the Family Educational Rights ad Privacy Act (FERPA). Please visit the Financial Aid page for more information. To remain Financial Aid eligible, students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress. Program attendance and GPA requiremets must be met.

Internet Usage:

Staff members and students accessing the Internet through the Board’s computers/network assume personal responsibility and liability, both civil and criminal, for unauthorized or inappropriate use of the Internet.

Registration & Confirmation:

Register online, call or mail in with your payment. We accept all major credit cards. Registration confirmation will be sent via email or mail.

Returned Checks:

$35.00 fee is charged for each returned check.

School Closing:

When the building is closed due to inclement weather or an emergency, ALL classes are canceled. Consult local radio and/or television stations. An announcement will also be seen on our website.

Services For Students with Disabilities:

The Office of Accessibility is located within the Adult Education department of CVCC. All information and forms required for accessing accommodations can be found in the Office of Accessibility or online on our Adult Education Resources page under Accessibility Resources.

Statement of Liability:

The Board of Education of Cuyahoga Valley Career Center school district, its members, officers and employees expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability for any personal injuries or the loss and/or damage to personal property. Individuals requesting registration in a course offered by Adult Education must assume the risk or all such injury or loss.

Student Conduct:

CVCC’s goal is to provide a positive learning experience and a safe environment for students, faculty, and staff. While at CVCC, you will be expected to observe building regulations. CVCC reserves the right to dismiss a student for behavioral issues, cheating, or violating CVCC policies or guidelines.

Textbooks, Materials and Supplies:

Textbooks are distributed in class. All costs related to textbooks, class materials, and supplies are included in the course fee, unless otherwise specified and are NON-REFUNDABLE. Textbook prices are subject to change without notice.


Tuition or enrollment on payment plan with first paymet due upon enrollment. Withdrawing from a program, even on payment plan, is subject to CVCC’s Refund and Withdrawal policies. All tuition is subject to change. Any outstanding balance remaining on account will be referred to the Ohio Attorney General’s Debt Collection Program.

CVCC is a non-smoking campus.

Cuyahoga Valley Career Center prepares youth and adults to enter, compete, advance, and lead in an ever changing world of work, college, and careers.

Due to inclement weather conditions, CVCC will be closed Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22. All day and evening classes are canceled.